A blocked toilet is an inconvenience that no one wants to deal with, but it’s a common household problem. The good news is that unblocking toilets has become easier than ever with modern plumbing techniques and tools. In this blog, we’ll discuss preventive measures to avoid toilet blockages and highlight the expert solutions offered by MR Drains, a trusted company specializing in toilet unblocking and drain services

Preventive Measures: Keeping Your Toilet Trouble-Free

1. Flush only what you can flush
One of the simplest ways to prevent toilet blockages is to be mindful of what you flush down the toilet. Avoid flushing non-flushable items such as baby wipes, sanitary products, cotton balls, and excessive toilet paper. These items can easily clog your toilet and lead to plumbing issues.

2. Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can go a long way in preventing toilet blockages. Consider scheduling periodic checks and cleaning of your plumbing system to remove any potential blockages or build-up. This can help you avoid unexpected toilet troubles.

These are the two key preventive methods to make sure you toilet drain remains free flowing always. Nevertheless, if your toilet drain is causing you trouble and sleepless nights, it is time that you reach out to a professional drain company.

Professional Unblocking Toilet Solutions by MR Drains

When preventive measures aren’t enough, and you find yourself facing a stubborn toilet blockage, MR Drains is here to help. We offer a range of expert solutions to resolve your toilet blockage problems permanently.

1. High-Pressure Jetting
High-pressure jetting is an effective method we employ to clear stubborn blockages in your toilet’s drain. Using high-pressure water jets, we can dislodge and remove debris, grease, and other obstructions that may be causing the blockage. This method is eco-friendly and highly efficient.

2. CCTV Drain Survey
For more complex issues or when the cause of the blockage is not immediately apparent, MR Drains utilizes CCTV drain surveys. We insert a small camera into the drain to inspect and diagnose the problem accurately. This allows us to pinpoint the exact location and nature of the blockage, enabling us to devise the most effective solution.

3. Picote Cleaning
Our team is skilled in Picote cleaning, a specialized technique for tackling tough toilet blockages. Picote cleaning uses advanced technology to remove scale, roots, and other stubborn deposits from your drain, restoring it to optimal functionality.

Contact MR Drains for Unblocking Toilets 

Don’t let a blocked toilet disrupt your daily life. Contact MR Drains for expert and permanent solutions to your toilet and drain problems. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to assist you with:

For a reliable and long-lasting solution to your toilet blockage problems, reach out to MR Drains, your reliable drainage company. We’re available 24/7 to assist you. You can contact us at 0800 234 3299. Our team is dedicated to providing efficient and effective plumbing services to ensure your peace of mind. Say goodbye to toilet blockages – contact MR Drains today!